Jenga Jam – Team Building

Jenga Jam is a highly engaging activity that brings teamwork and laughter to any event. Using a giant version of this familiar activity, participants are tasked to build a Jenga Jam tower to compete against other teams. The team that has the most robust ‘jenga-bilities’ wins the competition and the prestige of being awarded the winners title! You will hear laughter and excitement as this gets underway.

If you wish to use this activity in a more serious context to embed new values or a conference theme, our facilitators can also extend this activity and customize the activity just for you.

Key Benefits

Build stronger teams and boost employee morale

  • Have fun with participants mixing, interacting and bonding
  • Test product knowledge or reinforce new values
  • Reinforce key messages around your conference
  • Add a quick, fun competition to lighten a heavy conference day



1/2 HOUR – 1 HOUR(S)



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