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The importance of leadership agility in today’s business environment

June 20, 2024 | NEWS & BLOG

Today’s business environment is among the most competitive and dynamic globally. Leaders in the UAE and across the GCC face unique challenges such as sustained diversification, ongoing regulatory changes, and the global digital revolution. To maintain a competitive edge, it’s therefore crucial not just to react but to proactively anticipate and adapt to future trends and challenges.

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Business Acumen Level Up WB

Business Acumen – Level-Up 

July 13, 2023 | NEWS & BLOG

Not working in Finance?                                    Perhaps you don’t think finance is much of a concern to you?

As financial literacy’s supply drops, its demand is on the rise. The need for financial skills is expected to increase 16 percent by 2028.

U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics

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The Importance of Continuous Development for web

Talk the Talk: Prospecting

June 08, 2023 | NEWS & BLOG

No matter how experienced and effective a sales team is, there are increasing reasons for development.

Old habits die hard, and long-established sales practices must be re-evaluated, and sales teams rewired to continue driving new initiatives, services and products that will ultimately lead to increased sales.

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The Value of Sales Communication for web

The Value of Sales Communication

June 05, 2023 | NEWS & BLOG

“Only 13% of customers believe that salespeople understand their needs”

Source :

Value-based selling is the value perceived by the buyer, and it is advantageous when sales teams can compete on value rather than price. It sounds straightforward, but it can take a bit of practice and application.

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Talk the Talk: Prospecting

June 01, 2023 | NEWS & BLOG

“40% of salespeople say prospecting is the most challenging part of sales”

Source :

New communications skills are constantly emerging. They can be practiced and developed to engage with potential new customers and building stronger relationships with existing customers.

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What makes the high-performing sales team thrive and be successful?

May 30, 2023 | NEWS & BLOG

The role of sales is continuously evolving, and organisations need to adopt effective sales strategies and tactics to remain competitive in the market. Sales training is one of the most critical components of sales strategy, and in 2023, its impact on sales teams will be more significant than ever…

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Hybrid Leadership Driving the Future of Work

Hybrid Leadership Driving the Future of Work

The Workplace in 2022 When workers first left their offices in early 2020, no one could have imagined that this retreat to seeming safety would instigate a revolution in workplace practices. The current reality of leadership is now entering a hybrid state. Individuals...

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Four tips for employee engagement

Four tips for employee engagement

Developing and Employee Engagement Strategy Often confused for job satisfaction, employee engagement is actually a lot more to do with an employees connection to their organisation. Employee engagement is defined as the degree to which an employee is motivated and...

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The benefits of Virtual Team Building

The benefits of Virtual Team Building

What is Virtual Team Building? If your team is bored of the standard virtual zooms or teams meetings that businesses have put in place since 2020, then you need to level up and try our virtual team building. Virtual team building should not be boring, and with our...

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Are you experiencing job burnout?

Are you experiencing job burnout?

What is burnout and how does it affect us? What is burnout and how does it affect us? Google has shown an increase in burnout related searches. The general theme of these questions are full of worry, with some even asking if it can kill you!   A 2018 Gallup study...

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3 Factors of Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)

3 Factors of Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)

What is Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)? Virtual instructor-led training (VILT), also known as virtual facilitator-led training refers to training that is delivered in a virtual or simulated environment, or when instructor and learner are in separate locations....

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Our Favourite Books

Our Favourite Books

PROTRAINING Must Read Mondays...  If you've been interacting with us recently, you'll notice that every Monday we recommend a new book. Not only do we recommend it, we also give our audience, yes you, the chance to win it every Thursday with our Thursday Trivia...

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4 Tips on Employee Motivation

4 Tips on Employee Motivation

Motivating Employees Requires Clear Communication   What you may not know, though, is how to go about boosting employee engagement so that the people you manage feel invested in their work and are empowered to not only meet but exceed expectations. Below, we...

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What Is Situational Leadership?

What Is Situational Leadership?

Advantages And Disadvantages Explained   Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. It is up to a strong leader to ensure that he brings out the best in his team.  A leader has to walk alongside the team, taking charge when required. He can't be rigid in his conduct...

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